Experience Vienna
Vienna Blog by the Schick Hotels and Restaurants

Recipe of the month September 2013

For your enjoyment…

Are you like me on weekends or special holidays or when you have guests? On those occasions I like to cook something very special, not the usual fare. Then I’m either spoilt for choice or nothing occurs to me. If even the most intensive search on the internet comes to nothing, or leafing through piles of cookbooks fails to offer a solution, try out our Recipe of the Month! 

Fromthe chefs of the Schick restaurants in Vienna, every month there will be a new, seasonal recipe from Austrian-Spanish or Viennese cuisine for you to cook and enjoy at home!

In September 2013 – recipe by Johannes Reiser – Chef at the decorated Restaurant “Das Schick”:

Porcini & chanterelles
prepared as strudel & marinated in quince balm . lovage cream . leaf lettuce

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 package strudel dough
200 g porcini, cleaned
200 g chanterelles, cleaned and washed
1/8 l crème fraîche’
a bit of lemon juice
2 shallots, finely minced
1 tbsp. parsley, minced’
1 bunch lovage
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
1/8 l sour cream
1/8 l yogurt
1 egg yolk
olive oil
salt, pepper, thyme
quince balm (or regular balsamic vinegar as an alternative)
walnut oil (goes very well with chanterelles)
leaf lettuce to taste
figs and pomegranate seeds for garnish

Strudel of porcini:
Dice porcini. Sweat in olive oil with the minced shallots. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Stir in parsley, crème fraîche and the egg yolk.

 Prepare strudel dough according to the package instructions. Roll six (6) small strudels from the porcini mixture and the dough, then bake.

Lovage cream:
Pluck the leaves from the lovage. Briefly blanch the lovage leaves, then quench them in ice water. Subsequently, chop the leaves and puree them with yogurt until fine. Stir in mayonnaise and sour cream. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Marinated chanterelles:

Brown the cleaned chanterelles. Season with salt, pepper and thyme, then allow to drip dry a second time. Marinate with quince balm (or regular balsamic vinegar) and walnut oil.

Arrange with leaf lettuce, figs and pomegranate seeds as desired – like in our photo, for instance – and enjoy…

We wish you much success!


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