Experience Vienna
Vienna Blog by the Schick Hotels and Restaurants

Eating ice cream in Vienna

“Three scoops in a cone, please!”

It’s hot, and the Viennese have always enjoyed a good ice cream cone for cooling off and refreshment. Ice cream has a long tradition in Vienna, whereby the classics have gotten competition from young, innovative ice cream parlors in recent years. The premier address has long been the ice cream parlor Tichy am Reumannplatz.


The classic

Eissalon Tichy am Reumannplatz

This ice cream parlor was founded in 1952 and in 1955 moved to the Reumannplatz location, where it still is today. Every child knows the creation “Eismarillenknödel,” a modification of the well-known dessert Marillenknödel (apricot dumplings). The ice cream parlor is closed for the winter, and when it opens again in March, for the Viennese it is an unmistakable sign of the beginning of spring.

Daily: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Address: 1100 Vienna, Reumanplatz 13

Eis am Schwedenplatz

Very close to Hotel Capricorno is the Eissalon am Schwedenplatz. With more than 100 flavors of ice cream and their own ice cream calendar on their website, Eis am Schwedenplatz leaves nothing to be desired for sweet tooths. The salon has existed since 1886 – Molin Pradel Arcangelo came with several Italians from the Zoldo Valley and founded the first ice cream producer, the Molin Pradel family.

Daily: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Address: 1010 Vienna, Franz-Josefs-Kai 17


The Eissalon am Tuchlauben was founded in 1962 by the Perizzolo family from Trent and enjoys the greatest popularity. This ice cream parlor is also only open from March through October, and their nocciolone flavor is worth sinning for!

April – September
Mo-Sa 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM
So 11:00 AM – 11:30 PM

Address: 1010 Vienna, Tuchlauben 15


The newcomers

Foxy – frozen Yogurt

Foxy Frozen Yogurt

Foxy Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt, like so much, comes to us as a trend from the USA. It has less calories because it has a yogurt basis and is especially popular among young women – although you easily make up for calories saved with the many tasty toppings.

Foxy was the first frozen yogurt parlor in Vienna and is located directly near the Hotel Erzherzog Rainer.

May, June, July, August and September
Daily: 11:30 AM – 9:00 PM

March, April, October
Daily: 11:30 AM – 7:00 PM

Address: 1040 Vienna, Faulmanngasse 1


The master of La Mucca Mica

The master of La Mucca Mica

La Mucca Mica

Thomas Toffolletti is a virtuoso on the ice cream machine – the most delicious ice cream, perfect lemon sorbet and panino al gelato. During my visit, I got a large box for taste testing to take with me and I am therefore no longer entirely objective. I can only say it’s a sensation.

Daily:  9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Address: 1040 Vienna, Schleifmühlgasse 11/6



Veganista produces vegan ice cream, which means without eggs or milk. The ice cream is interesting for vegans and/or people with allergies.

But you don’t have to be a vegan or have an allergy to find this ice cream simply delicious.

Most of the flavors are produced with soy milk, but oat milk, almond milk, rice and coconut milk are also used, and they also value alternative sweeteners such as agave or acorn syrup!

The Veganista flavors get by without any artificial additives and only fresh ingredients are used.

Every day, there is a selection of 18 flavors, which make their way into the “daily program” depending on the availability of seasonal products.

Monday – Thursday 12:00 – 9:00 PM
Friday – Sunday 12:00 – 10:00 PM

Address: 1070 Vienna, Neustiftgasse 23/3

All are great and innovative, and at La Mucca Mica they were experimenting with basil ice cream during my visit. Yet it is often apparent that is simple, time-tested recipes are unbeatable.


I’m writing this blog article in the courtyard garden of the Hotel Stefanie – with a strawberry sundae in front of me – strawberries, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and a wafer cookie. Right now there’s nowhere else I’d rather be and no ice cream would taste better to me – the perfect environment and inspiration for this text!



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