Experience Vienna
Vienna Blog by the Schick Hotels and Restaurants

Fulfilled: the heart’s desire 2020!

Stiftung Kindertraum

‘Stiftung Kindertraum’ makes wishes come true.

Since 20 years during Christmas time we have had the tradition to fulfil a heart’s desire of very special kids. Together with the ‘Stiftung Kindertraum’ (Foundation for disabled children) a wish became true again this year.

Letter Stiftung Kindertraum

Letter Stiftung Kindertraum

For the Schick Hotels it has become a fine tradition to support the ‘Stiftung Kindertraum’ and to fulfil heart’s desires of ill children and children with special needs. The original idea – to invest the Christmas cards budget in a donation to Stiftung Kindertraum – has become a regular institution at the Schick Hotels.

This year we could enable the 14-years old Ivan from Vienna to continue a training program with Feldenkrais movement lessons.
Due to an oxygen deficiency at birth, he is dependent on a wheelchair. He lives with developmental difficulties, cerebral seizures and is blind. Ivan can communicate with sounds and facial expressions, understands a lot and is cared for at home by his mother. This very special boy reacted particularly well to training with the Feldenkrais method and the chance to continue with the program would bring him great relief.

Please have a read through the attached letter of the ‘Stiftung Kindertraum’ how the therapy will strengthen and sustainably improve Ivan’s body awareness.

We are very pleased to support Ivan and his family and make the life a bit easier – on behalf of all our guests, customers and our staff at the Schick Hotels Vienna.

In this spirit we wish you – dear reader of this blog –
a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2020!

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