Experience Vienna
Vienna Blog by the Schick Hotels and Restaurants

Recipe of the month October 2015

For your enjoyment…

Do you feel the same as I do on weekends on or special holidays, or when you have guests over? I’d like to cook something very special, not the usual fare. Then I’m either spoiled for choice or I can’t think of anything at all. If even intensively searching the internet turns out to be fruitless or leafing through piles of cookbooks doesn’t turn up any solution, try our Recipe of the Month!

From the chefs of the Schick Restaurants in Vienna, every month there is a new, seasonal recipe from Austrian-Spanish or Viennese cuisine for you to prepare and enjoy at home! If you don’t want to have to prepare the recipe yourself, you can order the finished dish in comfort at the corresponding Schick Restaurant and indulge all around…

In October 2015 – recipe by Reinhard Danzinger – new chef of the decorated Restaurant “Das Schick”:

Fried scallops
ragout of Coconut and bell-peppers . crayfish spume

Ingredients for 4 servings:

12 scallops, opened
20 g olive oil
20 g butter
1 clove of garlic
1 sprig of thyme
1 sprig of rosemary

For the ragout:
1 red and 1 yellow bell-pepper, diced into small cubes
1 shallot, chopped
1 chili pepper, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 clove of garlic, chopped
50 ml dry white wine
30 ml Noilly Prat (French vermouth)
15 threads of saffron, pestled or crumbled
250 ml coconut milk
1 scallion
1 tbsp. coriander, chopped

For the crayfish spume:
50 ml crab or lobster stock
50 ml cream
50 g butter


For the ragout, sweat bell peppers, shallots and garlic in olive oil and butter on low heat for 4–5 minutes, without letting them discolor. Add chopped chili pepper and the bay leaf and briefly fry together with the pepper and shallot. Quench with Noilly Prat and white wine. Boil at low heat until nearly dry; a syrupy consistency should ensue. Infuse with coconut milk. Lightly salt, then boil down to approx. 200 g. Strain, retaining the liquid. Stir the strained liquid, then mix with the bell pepper mixture once again. Finish with salt, pepper, chopped coriander, finely diced scallion and nutmeg.

For the crayfish spume, bring crab or lobster stock, cream and butter to a boil, constantly stirring well. Season to taste with salt and pepper and mix in the liquid using a hand blender until a foam is created.

For the scallops, lightly salt and pepper scallops then sauté them in olive oil in a coated pan on high heat for approx. 1 minute. Add butter, herbs and garlic. Turn the scallops and toss them in the sauce. Remove from heat and briefly allow them to steep.

Arrange appetizingly, as in our photo, for instance – and enjoy!

We wish you lots of fun cooking!


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