Recipe of the month August 2016

For your enjoyment…
Do you feel the same as I do on weekends on or special holidays, or when you have guests over? I’d like to cook something very special, not the usual fare. Then I’m either spoiled for choice or I can’t think of anything at all. If even intensively searching the internet turns out to be fruitless or leafing through piles of cookbooks doesn’t turn up any solution, try our Recipe of the Month.
From the chefs of the Schick Restaurants in Vienna, every month there is a new, seasonal recipe from Austrian-Spanish or Viennese cuisine for you to prepare and enjoy at home! If you don’t want to have to prepare the recipe yourself, you can order the finished dish in comfort at the corresponding Schick Restaurant and indulge all around…
In August 2016– recipe by René Herzog – chef of the Restaurant Stefanie:
Piña Colada “à la Stefanie”
Caramelized and grilled pineapple with orange-rum reduction and coconut ice-cream
Ingredients for 8 servings:
1 fresh pineapple
250 g sugar
500 ml orange juice
2 cl rum
250 ml whipped cream
coconut ice cream (or another flavor, according to personal taste)
fresh mint
Caramelize 200 g of sugar, then quench with orange juice. Simmer for five minutes and then add rum. Reduce for another 15 minutes, allowing the mixture to thicken.
Peel the pineapple, remove the stem and cut into eight slices. Sauté in a griddle pan in a bit of butter, then turn. Sprinkle the remaining sugar onto the pineapple slices and bake in the oven for five minutes at 200°C top heat.
Arrange the pineapple slices on a plate and place a scoop of coconut ice cream in the middle. Garnish with the reduction, mint and whipped cream – like in our photo, for instance – and enjoy.
We wish you lots of fun making this recipe!